Author: shs

Healthy living vs. …

…ENJOYING PLEASURES during our short time here. I’m asking if it’s worth it to sacrifice full enjoyment of our brief life for the pursuit of a healthy living lifestyle. It’s a question for us all to ponder as individuals. This individual is positing that’s a false dichotomy. While I’ve written about one of… Read more »

Not if, but when

Last year I wrote a Viewpoint column about realizing, in retrospect, we’d past the time for participating in certain activities. For example, with life just flowing along naturally and becoming aware that say, skiing (which perhaps we did regularly for years) due to a relatively minor knee issue that isn’t even… Read more »

What to do? What to do? To lose weight…

Probably due to a selective memory, even after living a full and admittedly self-indulgent life, when asked recently what regrets I have, I only thought of one. My Dad, who had a very curious mind, was never able to experience Google. All of recorded history and all of known information… Read more »

These precious, privileged years

Calvin & Hobbes, a syndicated comic strip from the late 1980s into early 1990s, was very popular, clever and full of current events/philosophical commentary. I have one strip laminated and still on my fridge. Calvin says he’s going to write a self-help book. His mission is to help people get… Read more »

January 2024: Four parts 

Well, here we are! Y2K wasn’t a disaster (remember those dire predictions?) and now it’s 24 years later. Let’s make it a good one.  This New Year’s column is Four Parts. Please don’t be in a hurry when you read this.  PART ONE Posture. Improving it is the simplest and… Read more »

Accept it.Embrace it…

December is sandwiched between two of my favorite holidays —Thanksgiving, because of its family focus and its message of being thankful for all we have, and New Year, because of its focus on new and therefore the time to reflect on how much has changed, how fast last year went by… Read more »

Stretching is a misnomer

Yes, as some of my regular readers may recall, I’ve previously written about this. But please remember, Oyster Pointer consistently adds new readers — and repetition is a valid way to inform/learn. This is important stuff which can help you avoid unnecessary injury caused by not understanding how our bodies function.  Stretching. What it isn’t: It… Read more »

I’d never valued this until…

For the last few years as I sit by myself while reading on my beach, a lady walks by, always by herself, earbuds in, walking purposefully, eyes straight ahead. A month or so ago I stood, gestured for her to stop and said: “I’m not asking for your phone number… Read more »

Time clocks

This is about a potential path to improving your sleep patterns which’ll result in a more rested you. If you or someone you care about is having trouble with getting enough restful sleep, open your (tired) mind and consider this.  I stumbled on this a few years ago, experienced it,… Read more »

There are few things more relaxing than…

I guess most of you reading this won’t see the benefit of driving to a barn/farm every morning at sunrise to do…well, chores. I mean, as a culture we’ve progressed beyond agricultural (physical chores) to industrial (9 to 5 time clocks) to technological (working from home, cell phone computers, passwords, digital… Read more »

Living healthy

When I meet someone new and we exchange pleasantries, part of that usually includes what we do. When I say I’m a personal fitness trainer, the most frequent follow-up questions have something to do with what to eat, with diet or nutrition or weight loss or calories. This always puzzles… Read more »

The 99 percent

When I write a “To Your Health” column, I’m trying to be informative and helpful. And when I write these “Viewpoint” columns, I’m expressing mine (Viewpoints) without trying to be anything other than straightforward as I see it. I hear many comments throughout the month and welcome them whether they’re… Read more »


LIST 1: Original – familiar – comfortable – safe – predictable – lasting – known – same – traditional – conservative – established – proven – stable… LIST 2: Uncertainty – vulnerability – unknown – different – transition – unconventional – innovative – change – pioneering – risky – dangerous – discovery…

So, what’s the answer?

There’s a whole new way for our kids to play. They learn to play together, to cooperate, to be friendly. We do not want disappointed children sent home crying because they see themselves as failures. That’s a view of themselves that evolves into low self-esteem and never leaves them throughout… Read more »

For your age…

…is supposed to be a compliment? Bah!  Let’s start with some facts: All around us are examples of successful, productive individuals who are contributing just as efficiently as ever but are much older than previous generations. Many are being criticized for “holding back” the younger folks from moving up their ladders. Fact is… Read more »


This is not a recommendation on how to live; this is just sharing MY viewpoint.  A combination of my self-imposed isolation due to COVID, the end of a long-term relationship, this stage of a very full life, my heritage and probably some additional things I’m unaware of, find me in… Read more »


Once upon a time in a life far, far away I was a single dad with three teenagers and in search of a new home for us. I was also far, far away from being independently wealthy but stumbled into an opportunity I thought we could afford: a beach cottage… Read more »

From a fan of self indulgence

Research: “The systematic investigation to establish facts and enable us to accurately reach new conclusions.” On subjects other than health I’ve written that while the knowledge gained from research is often necessary to help us make better decisions, it is not a guarantee we will. Applying my statement to our… Read more »

Smoothing the rough edges

I write these Viewpoint columns with the idea to inspire some thinking. I don’t try to find topics everyone agrees with. I recognize that readership of Oyster Pointer grows every year and the paper is an undeniable success.  I’ve been using a sports analogy lately when referring to this stage of my life by calling… Read more »

And his answer was…

It’s March. Many New Year’s resolutions have disappeared. The desired changes didn’t happen. Yet. But they were positive and well meaning, so let’s re-explore.  A brief but connected detour first. One of our trainers, Joey Wallen, and I often trade new info about exercise, techniques, adherence, etc. We’re closing in on… Read more »