Personal Training in Private Studios

(757) 599-5999

(757) 599-5999

738 City Center Blvd.,
Oyster Point

Point Center,
Oyster Point

On the Square,
Port Warwick, Newport News

Daily Press Award

Our clients are successful and knowledgeable people who expect results. They all come ready to work, and with our help they safely and efficiently achieve their goals. From teens into their 80s, they show that self-improvement has no age limit. They feel better and they have more energy. You Can Too!

Move better graphic

We help you feel better, move better and have more energy with better posture and balance.
We also are experienced working with:

Move better graphic

We also are experienced working with all of these conditions

  • Post Rehab
  • Hip and Knee Replacements
  • ACL Tears
  • Spinal Fusion, Laminectomy, Discectomy
  • Rotator Cuff/Shoulder Impingements
  • Diabetic Neuropathy
  • Mastectomy
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Tennis/Golfer Elbow
  • Osteo and Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Scoliosis
  • Gastric Bypass
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

What clients are saying about us

Daily Press Awards

“While I have always exercised and love it, the training I’ve been doing with Joey for about 2 years has made me stronger, improved my balance and also strengthened my shoulders, which is keeping me from having surgery. Looking forward to the next 2 years!“

– Wendy Drucker

“Four years after sustaining a serious spinal cord injury in a fall, I began personal training with Brian Cole. Despite a surgery that left me with two 12-inch rods held together with screws, fusion and bone graft along with chronic pain, he accepted me as his client without any hesitation.
   The experience with Brian has been nothing short of incredible! I began twice/weekly sessions six months ago and have seen marked improvement in my strength, balance and posture. These areas have been our primary focus as they were most adversely affected by my accident.
   Brian pushes me and challenges me and I am confident that I will continue to benefit from our fun workout regime.
   Brian, you are the best Trainer EVER! I'm not only benefiting greatly but I'm having a blast doing so! You have a client for life if you'll keep me!“

– Susan Harris

“Wendy keeps me motivated and accountable. She teaches the proper techniques to help prevent the risk of injury and the variety of the workouts keep them interesting and challenging. Her support and encouragement help me remain positive and it is very beneficial to my long-term health.“

– Debra Paulus

“My husband and I have worked out with Stephen Sibert at Personal Training Associates for over 5 years. We are 69 and 66 respectively. When we started my husband had recently had back surgery and I had never worked out!
   We have benefited so much since we began working with a personal trainer. Stephen implements our workouts specifically to our needs, issues and abilities. He is always personable and professional.
   We highly recommend Stephen Sibert!“

– Jeff and Lori Luckman

“I am so grateful for Wendy Stephens. Her training and her Tai Chi classes inspire me to put my health first and I see the benefits in both my mind and body.“

– Myra Carl

“In my mid 60s after several knee and foot surgeries, I decided to take a serious look at my health and mobility. I made one of the best decisions I’ve ever made for myself. I stopped in Brian Cole’s Personal Training studio and told him my story. Thankfully, his Trainers have the education, certifications and experience to help. I started with Lauren in February of this year (2023) and have gone from not being able to walk around the block with my dog to walking 2-3 miles daily and doing resistance training 4 times a week. The best part is I am loving it!“

– Cheryl S.

“I've been working with Hannah for 3 years. She always looks out for my well being and listens to my concerns. She spends time researching and problem solving to address my needs. She seems to know when to amp it up and when to pull back. She always watches closely and cues appropriately to be sure I get the most benefit from the movement and avoid injury.“

– Kathleen Pietrasanta

“After multiple joint replacements I know the importance of a regular workout program with a qualified trainer who knows my limitations. Thanks initially to Brian Cole and now to my current trainer, Stephen Sibert, I am back to playing golf, enjoying my gardening and living life with as few aches and pains as possible!“

– Merriel Bowditch

“The best group for training any age or fitness level. Knowledgeable, experienced and supportive. Highly recommended!“

– Marsha Hudgins

“I look forward to my workouts each week. Hannah brightens up my day. I see myself getting stronger and improving my balance.“

– Bob Groom

“We’ve been with Personal Training Associates for over 15 years… pre- and post- pandemic, locally and long distance via Zoom. We expect to be with our Trainer, Stephen Sibert, for at least another 15.
   Stephen’s holistic approach to our health and well-being keeps us strong, flexible and motivated. Plus, we have fun!“

– Art & Cassandra Greene

“I have more endurance, I'm not as tired after yardwork or 18 holes of golf, and I can open jars of pickles!“

– Bets Garrett

“We are both in our 70s and have been working with Wendy Stephens for about 4 years. We have had a profound improvement in our mobility, balance, strength and flexibility in performing our daily living and recreational activities. She is knowledgeable, personable and professional. Exercising has changed from a dreary task to a rewarding joy.“

– Dr. Thomas Mackenzie, Mrs. Mary Lou Mackenzie

Open a jar by yourself?
Climb steps when there is no railing?
Reach tall (over your head) cabinets?
Balance with no trouble?
Walk well?
Get out of a chair without using your hands or without help?
Bend down to tie your shoes?
Pick up something that has fallen to the floor?
If you can’t, but wish you could then it’s time to take that first step and do something for yourself.
I’ve been working with Joey for a long time. He makes the workouts fun even though it is intense. When it’s over I feel better because I know I’ve done something to improve my body and my health. He has built up my confidence and my strength. Thanks Joey—You are the Greatest. “

– Betty

“Hannah’s exceptional knowledge of auto-immune challenges, her positive attitude and encouragement create a motivating environment that enhances my physical well being and empowers me with the tools to lead a healthier lifestyle.“

– Nicole McGowan

“Maintaining strength and flexibility becomes increasingly more important over time. My biweekly workouts with Stephen are energizing and always filled with laughs. They are a positive priority for health and good humor. I am grateful to have the opportunity.“

– Rose Garrett

“I really like having Hannah as my trainer. She is very intuitive about my needs and the routines she plans are perfectly designed. I like to be challenged and she always does that.“

– Judy Perez

“In the two years I've been working with Hannah (including online during Covid), I have experienced great improvement in my posture, strength, and flexibility. I love the variety of my workouts. She is great at adjusting my workouts for my wrist, shoulder, and knee issues.“

– Susan Stokes

“I have never liked exercise and if given the chance to sit or move, I would sit. I also walked with a limp due to a weak ankle. I started training with Joey Wallen over five years ago, and he is wonderful. He knows what I can do and patiently encourages me to do more. The results have been great. I am stronger, walk without a limp, have lost more than 20 pounds and play with my grandchildren on the floor, getting up and down as often as needed. For 15 years I’ve been diagnosed with osteopenia and my last bone scan said my bones are now normal! Working with Joey has improved my attitude, strength, health and mobility. As I age, it will be even more critical that I include Personal Training Associates in my life.“

– Libby David

“I’ve had more than 15 years of satisfying results. My trainer, Joey Wallen, designs a workout plan for individual needs, to include age, body type and personal goals. Professional trainers keep you safe, motivated and on task. Thank you, Personal Training Associates, for giving me a healthy and fit life.“

– Roy Stallings

“A truly personalized exercise program with Stephen has helped me prepare for and recover from knee replacement surgery as well as strengthening all areas of my body.“

– Charles Wornom

“When I started my search for a personal trainer, I was fairly certain I knew what I did not want/need at my age. I did not want to put myself at risk working with a gym-rat “trainer” with no appreciation for someone in an aging condition. While I did work out in my younger years, I had taken a long pause-years of little or no exercise. I needed someone to assess my current overall condition and gradually rebuild the strength and agility that had been lost to stagnation. Wendy Stephens has been my trainer for several years and I am very pleased with the progress and strength I’ve been able to achieve with her guidance and knowledge. It has been so encouraging to see the change in my body and to know I can safely lift and carry heavy loads without the fear I may injure myself. In a practical way I can enjoy everyday living to its fullest.“

– Virginia Woodward

“Carefully chosen superior investments generally yield a better return, than those of lesser quality. After trying other avenues of exercise training over the years, I recently switched to Brian Cole and Associates. For the first time, I am now being guided through personalized strength training exercises, which are not only improving my overall strength and balance, but are also isolating and building specific postural muscles that play a foundational role in stabilizing the ongoing effects of the aging process and even of old joint injuries. Taking advantage of Brian’s incredible knowledge of anatomy and physiology and his mastery of training techniques has now become my # 1 investment in my future health. That investment is already beginning to yield the return I desire, which I believe will ultimately help me reach my goal of continuing my active lifestyle in my 70s, 80s and beyond. “

– Dr. Susan Nicholson

“Due to working with Wendy my posture has improved greatly, my back does not get as tired as before I began strength training, and I have learned how to reduce the stress in my shoulders.“

– Bets G.

“Hannah helps me stay strong as I 'age gracefully'. I recently had ankle surgery and she is helping me get back to walking properly. I want to travel and be in shape to hike while visiting new places.“

– Jenny McCauley

“I have been training with Lauren for over 6 months. Due to her knowledge and guidance I'm in the best physical shape in over 40 years. My lean muscle tissue has increased almost 10% while bodyfat has reduced over 22%. As a result, I have increased daily energy, improved my ability to focus on work and am more organized than I've ever been. I also have daily awareness of my overall health and dietary choices. Lauren can help you get where you want to be!“

– Dan Clark

“I’ve been training at Personal Training Associates for over 5 years. It has been a real plus going into my late sixties. My trainers have given me specifics which have helped me gain strength and stamina. I feel healthier than I have in a long time. Stephen has helped me recover from back issues and helped my cardio too. I am super pleased.“

– Susie Wornom

“Since starting with Stephen Sibert at Personal Training Associates one year ago, I have noticed significant improvement in my overall body strength. His ability to structure workouts around my schedule has been extremely beneficial to staying in shape. If you are looking to improve your physical and mental fitness, I strongly suggest giving them a call.“

– Hank Hankins

“The facilities at Brian Cole Personal Training Associates are clean, well equipped, and designed to enhance your training experience. My personal trainer, Stephen Sibert, is more than a physical trainer – he is truly a partner in my wellness journey who tailors his advice and workout plans to meet my current needs/goals.
   P.S. I am happy to be part of this special group!“

– Barbara Rosenbaum

Click here to show more testimonials

“Hannah helps me stay strong as I 'age gracefully'. I recently had ankle surgery and she is helping me get back to walking properly. I want to travel and be in shape to hike while visiting new places.“

– Jenny McCauley

“I have been working out with Ethan for over a year now. His passion for health and fitness shows in his enthusiasm day in and day out. I prefer full body high intensity interval training and he delivers. The variety of his routines have kept me on track with my goals. He is always energetic and positive—great to train with!“

– Stuart Wash

“I have been training with Lauren for over 6 months. Due to her knowledge and guidance I'm in the best physical shape in over 40 years. My lean muscle tissue has increased almost 10% while bodyfat has reduced over 22%. As a result, I have increased daily energy, improved my ability to focus on work and am more organized than I've ever been. I also have daily awareness of my overall health and dietary choices. Lauren can help you get where you want to be!“

– Dan Clark

“I really like having Hannah as my trainer. She is very intuitive about my needs and the routines she plans are perfectly designed. I like to be challenged and she always does that.“

– Judy Perez

“My twice-weekly sessions with Wendy are one of the most beneficial regular events in my life. I always leave feeling better than when I came in after the varied protocol she puts me through.

– Saint Lee

“I gave my husband a month of Personal Training for Christmas some years ago. As a writer, his work is sedentary, likewise his favorite hobby, reading. He hates working out--but he needs it, and he goes! When my summer break rolled around that year, I decided to try it. And from then on, I've never looked back! It's the one form of exercise I do that targets the whole body: building and maintaining strength, balance, and flexibility. It's the best health insurance plan we have.“

– Francie Pearce

“Considerate of one’s limitations but gently encouraging—stretching those limitations to new strength, flexibility and balancing heights! Very friendly and relaxed atmosphere which makes the hard work almost fun!“

– Pamela Martin

“Since going to Brian Cole Personal Training Associates the results are great. Prior to working out with Brian I used to go to the gym 4-5 times a week for years. I currently go 2 times per week with much better results. I've saved time and am aware of improvements physically, personally and professionally!“

– Tony Reed

“A truly personalized exercise program with Stephen has helped me prepare for and recover from knee replacement surgery as well as strengthening all areas of my body.“

– Charles Wornom

“Joey Wallen is my trainer. He works from a client-specific agenda to address weaknesses and develop individual programs. He took a basket case when he agreed to help me. I am a senior person with age-related issues and particular physical problems. Or, I was! I was faced with increasing disabilities which prevented simple daily personal tasks (get in/out of tub, tuck shirttail into jeans, brush hair, lift pots, carry handbag, climb stairs, rise from chair...). Joey designed a way forward beginning with simple moves and unsophisticated props. Within six months, noticeable improvements and ease of motion were obvious. Two years into the effort, new and more ambitious goals have continuously been advanced.“

– Diana Freeman

“Unfortunately I took a fall February 2017 which resulted in a broken neck. But fortunately after two surgeries, physical therapy, and my doctor's approval, I was able to start working with Stephen Sibert at Personal Training Associates in July 2017. He has helped me regain strength, stamina and to feel better about myself. I am back to normal in a few short months and am actually enjoying my workouts.“

– Jeri W. Greene

“I have been working out with Joey a little over a year. Prior to coming here I had worked with a trainer at another facility for about 15 years. I quickly began to notice a lot of differences. The level of Joey's knowledge far surpasses my other trainer. I have found that a personal trainer is the only way I can consistently work out. A gym setting makes it too easy not to go when I feel something more important has come up. Also this enables me to work correctly and safely. High praise is due because Brian Cole Personal Training Associates was actually recommended to me by another fitness facility.“

– Bob Murphy

“My exercise partner and I have worked out at Personal Training Associates for 20 years. For the last few years we have worked with Joey Wallen. He keeps our sessions fun, upbeat and ever changing, which keeps us coming back!“

– Terry Arnold

About our Trainers

Our Trainers have college degrees in Exercise Science and/or are Nationally Certified. I only accept the top 4 National Certifications: the American Council on Exercise (ACE), the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) or the National Strength Conditioning Association (NSCA) all requiring continuing education to maintain. In addition, we regularly earn Advanced Specialty Certifications in a variety of disciplines.

Brian Cole

Brian Cole

  • Personal Fitness Trainer (A.C.E.) Certified by the American Council on Exercise
  • Professional Member (N.S.C.A) National Strength Conditioning Association
  • Certified Massage Therapist by the Virginia Dept. of Health Professions
  • Post Rehab Conditioning Specialist by American Academy of Fitness Professionals
  • Associate Member (A.C.S.M.) American College of Sports Medicine
Joey Wallen

Joey Wallen

  • B.S. Exercise Science
  • Nationally Certified as Personal Fitness Trainer by the American Council on Exercise (ACE)
  • Orthopedic Exercise Specialist (ACE)
  • Senior Fitness Specialist (ACE)
  • Functional Training Specialist (ACE)
Stephen Sibert

Stephen Sibert

  • B.A. Christopher Newport University
  • Nationally Certified as Personal Fitness Trainer by the American Council on Exercise (ACE)
  • Orthopedic Exercise Specialist (ACE)
  • Senior Fitness Specialist (ACE)
  • Youth Fitness Specialist (ACE)
  • Functional Training Specialist (ACE)
Wendy Stephens

Wendy Stephens

  • B.S. Auburn Univ.
  • M.S. Fitness Management
  • Nationally Certified as Personal Fitness Trainer and as Health Coach by the American Council on Exercise (ACE)
  • Functional Aging Institute: Certified Specialist
  • Tai Chi Instructor-Group Classes and Private
Hannah Hartzheim

Hannah Hartzheim

  • Nationally Certified as Personal Fitness Trainer by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)
  • Functional Movement Specialist (FMT)
  • Certified Health Coach by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition
Lauren Grochmal

Lauren Grochmal

  • B.S. Virginia Tech
  • M.S. Columbia University
  • Nationally Certified as Personal Fitness Trainer by the National Academy of Sports medicine (NASM)
  • Certified TRX Instructor
  • Advanced Certification: Corrective Exercise Specialist (NASM)

A Message from Brian Cole

My father was a Physical Therapist for 42 years. I grew up in a home where helping others came naturally and where discussions of how the body functions, moves, and heals were just a part of everyday conversation. I’m very Thankful to be working in the field that has been my lifelong hobby. I hope it always shows through our clients.

While the emphasis is personalized and changes as you do, your program will involve some combination of:

Cardiovascular/Calorie-Burning Activity

In the United States, heart disease kills almost as many people as everything else combined.

We just don't have to move and do enough anymore. Modern conveniences and technology shelter us. Circulation isn't enough to keep debris from building up in our blood vessels. We need a strong pump to flush a strong flow of healthy nourishing blood through, everyday. The result is stronger hearts and cleaner blood vessels.

Progressive Weight Resistance Training

Muscle is energy! We all need to build new lean muscle tissue or the aging process will combine with reduced activity to replace our natural muscle with fat. We must commit ourselves to change that. And the research is clear, at any age, we can.

Core Stability • Posture • Balance

These are all incorporated into our Training Routines.

Free and Stable Joint Movement

As adults we don't run - jump - reach - climb - play as we did when we were kids. So our joint range of motion becomes very limited which leaves us more susceptible to joint injury and discomfort. Our body's self defense system then tightens these areas to protect them and a cycle of reduced comfortable movement and stiffness has begun. It is gradual but relentless.

Brian has developed a 30 minute Routine, that borrows from Yoga, Pilates, Somatics, and Feldenkrais, to gently coax our joints to move more comfortably through a greater range and to be stabilized by leaner, stronger, not bulkier, muscles.

Sound, Balanced Nutrition

We help you identify bad habits and develop strategies to replace them with better habits. We will help you with guidelines, directions, and facts—but not with strict eating plans. Everyone is different and we all have our challenges.

Brian Cole

Fitness is not about age.

We all need to lose body fat and work to build new lean muscle tissue. This makes us healthier and more efficient.

Click here to see Brian’s advice on nutrition guidelines

About Nutrition

IF combined with consistent safe exercise, healthy nutrition habits contribute to feeling better, moving better and having more energy.

We’re all different. We’re all going to make compromises. There is no perfect dietary plan for all of us.
Improving will require a willingness to change and self-discipline.

Some General Guidelines


Eating and drinking what you already know is bad for you.
Then do your personal research.


Processed foods and beverages (simple carbohydrates), fried foods and alcohol.


Fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and water.

Nutrition changes are about the long-term health of our body’s functions.

The effects of increased daily exercise are immediate and cumulative.
Our profession is about safe, effective EXERCISE.

Columns by Brian Cole (SEE ALL)

For many years Brian Cole has regularly contributed articles to the Oyster Pointer. The latest are listed below. To see more articles, click here.

Healthy living vs. …

…ENJOYING PLEASURES during our short time here. I’m asking if it’s worth it to sacrifice full enjoyment of our brief life for the pursuit of a healthy living lifestyle. It’s a question for us all to ponder as individuals. This individual is positing that’s a false dichotomy. While I’ve written about one of… Read more »

Some healthy living updates

Do all we can to avoid pain, maybe even avoid discomfort, for the maximum of our precious time in this short, short life. That’s my step one for Healthy Living. And then add daily physical activity to offset the way-too-cushy conditions we are so fortunate to live our entire lives in.… Read more »

What to do? What to do? To lose weight…

Probably due to a selective memory, even after living a full and admittedly self-indulgent life, when asked recently what regrets I have, I only thought of one. My Dad, who had a very curious mind, was never able to experience Google. All of recorded history and all of known information… Read more »